Penal law and order: general theoretical and branch aspects
The subject of the study is the penal law and order as a social and legal phenomenon. The aim of the work is to determine the categorical independence of the penal legal order by means of scientific understanding of general theoretical and branch aspects of the content of this concept. In the Russian legal science insufficient attention is paid to the branch studies of the legal order. The general theoretical concept is unclaimed by the branch sciences. The current situation can be remedied by developing a full-fledged theory of law and order based on empirical material of the branches of Russian law. The conceptual specification of the legal order in the sphere of the penal law is the penal law and order. The basis of the study is formed by the ideas of the socio-legal nature and the polycontextuality of law and order. The polycontextuality of the penal legal order is reflected in the aggregate of relatively independent sides of a single concept: «norm», «process» and «result.» The social and legal essence of the penal legal order allows to see both internal and external contradictions and due to them unique features and forms of manifestation of the content of a particular context. The thesis is substantiated that the law and order as a real phenomenon has both «normal» and «deviant» forms of expression. So the deviant forms of the penal law and order as a «norm» of legal life are collisions and gaps in the criminal enforcement legislation, technical and legal defects. The deviation of the penal system as a «process» is the discrete regulation of the legal procedure for the realization of rights, the disruption of the links between legal facts and legal relations, the imbalance of rights and obligations. The deviation of the penal law and order as a «result» of the legal life is connected with the contradictions between legal and social results of the norms of the penal law. The results of the research can be used in the study of criteria and indicators of the state of the legal order in the Russian penal system.
Keywords: law; law and order; legality; penal system; penal law and order.
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