About problems of an execution of the punishment in the form of freedom restriction
The article is devoted to studies of restrictions and obligations established for convicts
sentenced to deprivation of liberty by the Criminal Code of Russia. Some problem issues
of their execution and supervision of this process are revealed on the basis of analyzing
current legislation and practical work of penal inspections.
Keywords: deprivation of liberty; convict; penal inspections; execution of penal
lecturer of Vladimir Law Institute of the
Federal Service for Execution of Sentences of the RF.
, e-mail
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5 Sm.: Snigerev Ju. Ogranichenie svobody. http://.www.
2 Sm.: Tam zhe. 2010. 27 okt. S. 25.
3 Sm.: Otchet o rabote ugolovno-ispolnitel’nyh inspekcij Rossii
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4 Sm.: Burlakova I.A. Uslovnoe osuzhdenie: teoretiko-pravovye
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5 Sm.: Snigerev Ju. Ogranichenie svobody. http://.www.