Victimological characterization of criminal assaults of minors on sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual
In the article based on the analysis of scientific papers and the results of the own research a victimological description of criminal assaults of minors on sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual is presented. Potential victims of such assaults can be both female and male, regardless of their social status, most often younger than criminals by age or their peers who have increased victim traits due to the ability to cope with them. That is why the victims are those who are physically less strong, in a helpless state, owing to which they are not capable of resisting, easily yielding to psychological influence, differing in provoking behavior, in the state of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication. It facilitates the fulfillment of the assaults considered the desire of the victim to keep the incident with her in secret, especially if the violence was of a same-sex nature. Females most often become victims of sexual violence from the acquaintances of minors, males, on the contrary, on the part of strangers unfamiliar to them. The study showed that sexual violence committed by minors does not have unequivocally negative consequences, as modern society wants to (or used to) think about it. Everything depends on the specific situation, the nature of the violent actions and the level of sexual and psycho-emotional development of the person to whom such violence is directed. The author comes to the conclusion that the victimological description of criminal assault of minors on sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the person described in this article can help in identifying potential victims and in the development of effective measures of victimization of this negative social phenomenon.
Keywords: victimology; victimological characteristics; juvenile delinquency; sexual inviolability; sexual freedom.
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