The issues of the release preparations for the imprisoned convicts in light of the penal system reformation
On the basis the analysis of the acting criminal and the penal legislation, the authors
explain the rationale for the main provisions of the Conception of development of the penal
system until 2020 relating the process of the release preparations for the imprisoned. The
authors justify the proposals for amending the penal legislation, which regulate the order
of application of the correctional measures for convicts to promote their law-abiding
behavior while serving a sentence and, subsequently, at the end of a term of sentence.
Keywords: convict; correction of convicts; re-socialization of convicts; recidivism of crimes; social “lift”; preparation for release; release on parole; law-abiding behavior
сhief of the correctional facility
№ 34 of the Federal Penal Service on the Krasnoyarsk
region, lieutenant colonel of domestic services.
, e-mail
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