Formation and development of criminal subculture in Russia
The subject of the research in this article are public and legal relations related to the active proliferation of criminal subculture in Russia. The purpose of the publication is to analyze the relationship between the level of crime as well as the increase in the proportion of crimes committed with the conditions for the formation and development of criminal subculture in Russian (Soviet) society, its role and significance in criminalizing public life of the state, antisocial behavior of citizens, both in places of deprivation of liberty and beyond. Based on historical and theoretical-empirical methods of scientific research a retrospective and legal assessment of theoretical (scientific) and practical approaches to determining the essence and content of a criminal subculture in the form of an ideology of the underworld is presented, developing under the influence of socio-political and economic processes in society, compares methods and ways to solve this problem in the state. The results of the conducted research of the stated subject led to the possibility to formulate the author’s definition of criminal subculture, to outline its main features, the determinants of appearance and distribution factors in correctional institutions, to offer ways of counteraction to these processes while executing criminal punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty
Keywords: criminal subculture; imprisonment; correctional institutions; convicts; criminal environment; ideology; analysis.
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