Infringements on the prison officer: reasons and warning
The subject of the study in the article were questions relating to the current state of crimes committed against the staff of the penal system, their causes and conditions, as well as directions and measures to prevent them. The author analyzes the most common crimes of this category, stipulated by Art. 318, 319, 321 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Their high danger is noted. A detailed criminological analysis of the above criminal acts, the specifics of their commission, a description of the persons who commit them are given including taking into account such criteria as the territory of distribution of the criminal offenses under investigation, sex, age, citizenship, education, marital status, criminal group, criminal experience, duration of the appointed term of punishment, etc. The problems of victimization of the staff of the penal system subjected to the criminal offenses under investigation are touched upon, there are typical common features for these persons. The reasons and conditions for committing encroachments against the officers of the penal system, motives and purposes of these acts are analyzed, among which there are prevailing desire to avoid responsibility for the committed offense, revenge for the employee for his official activities, a hooligan motive. In this case the reason for aggression on the part of the offenders is often a violation of the established rules of professional conduct on the part of the employees themselves, and the level of crimes under consideration is directly dependent on the level of legality in the relevant bodies and institutions of the Federal Penal Serviced of Russia. In addition professional fatigue and deformation, as well as related indifference to the service, loss of vigilance, disregard for the rules for reducing occupational risks play an important role in matters of personal safety. Taking into account the data presented and analyzed the article contains recommendations on preventing attacks on employees of the penal system, including on overcoming the employee’s victimization.
Keywords: criminal infringement; staff of the Federal Penal Service; victimization; criminological characteristics; causes and conditions; crime prevention
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