Some historical and modern issues of organization of penal execution system regarding juvenile
This article reveals historical stages of development and peculiarities of the criminal policy of the Russian State regarding juvenile delinquents during the last centuries. There is an analysis of creation and activity of the first correctional – educational establishments for the juvenile convicted in the 2nd half of the 19th century and their development in the beginning of the 20th century. The special attention is taken to system development of measures in the struggle with juvenile homelessness in the Soviet time. The author speaks about necessity to take into account our country experience in criminal punishment system improvement concerning juvenile in Russia. In the modern period there is an urgent question to form a new type of correctional establishment for juvenile delinquents. The author offers efficient propositions in regard of this problem.
Keywords: juvenile delinquents; moral correction; juvenile homelessness; correctional-educational colonies; system of criminal punishments; reform.
2 Sm.: Polozhenie o vospitatel’no-ispravitel’nyh zavedenijah dlja nesovershennoletnih // Svod zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. SPb., 1913. T. 5. S. 263–267.
3 SZ SSSR. 1926. № 56. St. 407.