Jury trial in the system of the bodies carrying out preliminary investigation and hearing
The author examines some aspects of jury’s participation in the hearing process of criminal cases by a court, the jury’s role in passing a sentence and in the whole system of the criminal investigative bodies in order to improve their performance quality and courts in the process of administering justice without accusatorial elements.
Keywords: jury; a court; bodies of preliminary investigation; trial.
a person working for doctor’s degree of the chair of management of crime investigating bodies of the Academy of management of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
, e-mail
1 Otchet predsedatelja Kassacionnoj palaty Verhovnogo Suda
Rossijskoj Federacii A.P. Shurygina o dejatel'nosti sudov obwej
jurisdikcii za 2007 g. M., 2008. S. 27. 2 Sm.: Direktiva MVD Rossii ot 13.10.2008 g.
№ 218 «O prioritetnyh napravlenijah dejatel'nosti organov
vnutrennih del i vnutrennih vojsk MVD Rossii, FMS Rossii
v 2009 g.». 3 Sm.: http//www.mvd.rustats
4 Vladimirov L.E. Sud prisjazhnyh. Har'kov, 1877. S. 61.
5 Sm.: Fojnickij I.Ja. Kurs ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva. M.,
1996. T. 1. S. 113.
Rossijskoj Federacii A.P. Shurygina o dejatel'nosti sudov obwej
jurisdikcii za 2007 g. M., 2008. S. 27. 2 Sm.: Direktiva MVD Rossii ot 13.10.2008 g.
№ 218 «O prioritetnyh napravlenijah dejatel'nosti organov
vnutrennih del i vnutrennih vojsk MVD Rossii, FMS Rossii
v 2009 g.». 3 Sm.: http//www.mvd.rustats
4 Vladimirov L.E. Sud prisjazhnyh. Har'kov, 1877. S. 61.
5 Sm.: Fojnickij I.Ja. Kurs ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva. M.,
1996. T. 1. S. 113.