Life-meaning orientations of convicts serving sentences of life imprisonment
For the penal system of Russia an urgent problem is the scientifically based support of the process of granting of parole of convicts sentenced to life imprisonment. Deformations of the semantic sphere of a criminal personality and a long period of stay in social isolation significantly complicate the process of resocialization of convicts of this category. The readiness of the convicted person to return to a law-abiding life in society depends on the content of his value-semantic sphere, and therefore the formation of life-meaning orientations can be considered as one of the indicators of the degree of readiness for life in freedom. The results of a study on the content of the characteristics of life-meaning orientations of life convicts belonging to different age groups allowed them to state a low level of general meaningfulness of life, narrowness and weak structured meaning of life, little mediating the meaning of life by life goals and plans. Convicted persons of mature age are characterized by low activity in the implementation of the meaning of life and its focus on past events. Most convicts do not want to think about the future, they do not feel foothold and are hopeless. It was concluded that it is necessary to develope and test psychocorrectional programs for the forming the semantic sphere and the semantic regulation of the life course of this category of convicts. Particular attention should be paid to correcting the semantic deformations of the subjective picture of the life course, working to clarify the system of life goals, expectations and desires, expanding and enriching the meaning of life course new sources.
Keywords: convicts for life imprisonment; grant of parole; life-meaning orientation; semantic regulation of life course.
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