State, current problems and prospects for the development of psychotherapy methodology for convicts
The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of psychotherapy of convicts. The most significant reasons for its lack of effectiveness are identified, the most important of which is the lag in the development of the theoretical base, which levels the implementation of practice-oriented activities of the psychological service. It is shown that the important factors of using ineffective symptomatic intervention instead of adequate etiopathogenetic psychotherapy, addressed to the analysis of the phenomenon “mental” on the spiritual, mental and physical levels of a person, were unwarranted borrowing of foreign psychotechnical tools and penological standards without taking into account the national mentality. The necessity of further theoretical understanding of the problem of the mechanisms of stress adaptation of convicts and the negative role in the process of re-socialization of the psychic personality disorders of the convicted persons, as well as their decompensation under the influence of penitentiary stress is substantiated. Analyzed are the promising ways of solving the existing problems that impede the resocialization of convicts, the main of which is the creation of a methodological basis for psychotherapy based on a synthesis of the achievements of modern philosophical anthropology with other fields of natural and human sciences. The role of an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of the inner world of a person is substantiated by incorporating into the theoretical arsenal of psychotherapy the principles, paradigms and provisions of postnon-classical science, its correlation with theological views on the nature of human spirituality. The development of the regulation of the degree of stress states with the aim of spiritual transformation of the inner world of convicts is recognized as a current trend.
Keywords: psychotherapy of convicts; adaptation; maladjustment; inner world; decompensation; spiritual deficiency; spirituality; cultural crisis; interdisciplinary approach; paradigms and principles of post-non-classical science; penitentiary stress; psyche; mental personality disorders; psychopathology; psychic mixtes; crime; penitentiary psychology; correctional facilities; psychology; psychological theories; postclassical science; penitentiary psychotherapy methodology; worldview; right; principle of non-causality; hierarchy principle; programs and methods of psychotherapy of convicts; convicts; resocialization; symptomatic intervention; stressful events and conditions; synthesis; reduced stress tolerance; consciousness; coping behavior patterns; theology; traditional culture; etiopathogenetic psychotherapy; factors and problems of psychotherapy; philosophical anthropology
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