On the causes and conditions of mass disorders committed by convicts in places of detention
The article is devoted to the study of the causes and conditions of the commission of mass disorders by convicts held in places of deprivation of liberty. The purpose of the study is to propose measures of organizational, legal and preventive nature to counter mass disorders based on the identified patterns in the behavior of convicts who are prone to committing them. The article analyzes the experimental data obtained during the study of the sociopsychological characteristics of convicts through the prism of which reveals the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of disorders in penal institutions. Examples and proposals for accounting for foreign and domestic retrospective experience of encouraging law-abiding behavior among convicts while serving their sentences in places of detention are given. The main provisions of the article represent the author’s vision of the problem points in the preventive activities of correctional institutions, which contribute to the commission of mass disorders by groups of convicts of negative orientation. The author has drawn conclusions the results of which are presented in objectified proposals to alleviate the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of mass disorders in the penal institutions of the Federal Penal Service of Russia.
Keywords: mass disorders; the causes and conditions of the mass disorders; places of imprisonment.
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