Legal aspects of the Internet in the people’s Republic of China
Тhe article discusses the problems and solutions of information security in the Peoples Republic of China. The author reveals the architectural regulation of the Internet in China.
Keywords: сomputer information; information security; legislative regulation.
Doctoral of the Department of Theory and History of State and
Law of the Saint-Petersburg State University, Faculty of Llaw
, e-mail
1 Sm.: Cheung A.S.Y., Zhao Y. An Overview of Internet Regulation
in China. file:///C:/Users/%D0%A0%D0%B8%D0%9A/
Downloads/SSRN-id2358247.pdf (data obrashhenija:
13.05.2014 g.). Dalee, esli prjamo ne ukazano inoe, ssylki na
otdel’nye fakty, otnosjashhiesja k sootvetstvujushhej pravovoj
sisteme, a takzhe na sootvetstvujushhie zakonodatel’stvo i
pravoprimenitel’nuju praktiku privodjatsja po dannoj rabote.
in China. file:///C:/Users/%D0%A0%D0%B8%D0%9A/
Downloads/SSRN-id2358247.pdf (data obrashhenija:
13.05.2014 g.). Dalee, esli prjamo ne ukazano inoe, ssylki na
otdel’nye fakty, otnosjashhiesja k sootvetstvujushhej pravovoj
sisteme, a takzhe na sootvetstvujushhie zakonodatel’stvo i
pravoprimenitel’nuju praktiku privodjatsja po dannoj rabote.