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Penal policy of the Russian state for juvenile prisoners during the Great Patriotic war
Scientific re-examination of directions penal policy of the Russian government in the juvenile becomes a necessary prerequisite for the humanization of criminal legal relations, improvement of social relations in General. In this regard, of particular relevance is the analysis of national experience in this field. The article describes the activities of the penal system held in relation to juvenile offenders in detention during the great Patriotic war.
Keywords: penal policy in the years of the Great Patriotic war; juvenile prisoners.
Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology and
Pedagogics of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal
Service of Russia, Dsc. in Pedagogics, Associate Professor
, e-mail
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10 Sm.: Romanov Ju.A. Pravovaja i politiko-vospitatel’naja
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Dal’nem Vostoke v gody Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny // Vestnik
Kuzbasskogo instituta: special’nyj vypusk, posvjashhennyj 66-j
godovshhine Pobedy v Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojne. 2011.
№ 2 (5). S. 30–32. 11 Sm.: Tam zhe. S. 34.
T. 1: Massovye repressii v SSSR. S. 77. 2 Sm.: Deti GULAGa. 1918–1956. Dokumenty. M., 2002.
S. 353. 3 Sm.: Tam zhe. S. 361–363.
4 Sm.: URL://
01.html.10 (data obrashhenija: 12.02.2015 g.). 5 Sm.: Sbornik dokumentov po istorii ugolovnogo
zakonodatel’stva SSSR i RSFSR: 1917–1952 gg. M., 1953. 6 Solzhenicyn A. Arhipelag GULAG. M., 1991. T. 6. S. 278.
7 Ovchinnikova L. Deti v stalinskih lagerjah. [Jelektronnyj
resurs]. URL:
(data obrashhenija: 12.02.2015 g.). 8 Sm.: Sbornik dokumentov po istorii ugolovnogo
zakonodatel’stva SSSR i RSFSR: 1917–1952 gg. S. 384–387. 9 Sm.: Tam zhe. S. 392–393.
10 Sm.: Romanov Ju.A. Pravovaja i politiko-vospitatel’naja
rabota sredi zakljuchennyh sistemy ispolnenija nakazanij na
Dal’nem Vostoke v gody Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny // Vestnik
Kuzbasskogo instituta: special’nyj vypusk, posvjashhennyj 66-j
godovshhine Pobedy v Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojne. 2011.
№ 2 (5). S. 30–32. 11 Sm.: Tam zhe. S. 34.