About the public control subjects supervising the exercise of prisoners’ rights
The article is devoted to the public control subjects supervising the exercise of prisoners’ rights in the correctional institutions at present. The authors consider some historical facts of the formation and development of the institution. Some problems of its legislative regulation are revealed in the article.
Keywords: society; control; the Public Chamber; mass media; the parent committee; the trusteeship council; public organizations.
a postgraduate student of the chair of the Penal Law and
organization of educational work with prisoners, the Vologda Institute of Law and
Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia
, e-mail
the head of the chair of the Penal Law and organization of
educational work with prisoners, the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of
the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Cand. Sc. (Law);
, e-mail
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aspekty vzaimodejstvija ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy
s obshhestvennymi ob#edinenijami: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk.
Rjazan', 2005. S. 88.
2 Sm.: Postanovlenie Narodnogo komissariata justicii RSFSR
ot 23.07.1918 g. «O lishenii svobody kak o mere nakazanija i o
porjadke otbyvanija takovogo (vremennaja instrukcija)». http://
3 Sm.: Ukaz Prezidiuma Verhovnogo Soveta RSFSR ot
30.09.1965 g. «Ob utverzhdenii polozhenija o nabljudatel'nyh
4 Sm.: Rossijskaja gazeta. 2008. 18 ijunja.
5 Opros byl proveden sredi sotrudnikov ispravitel'nyh
uchrezhdenij Vologodskoj, Kemerovskoj i Novosibirskoj oblastej v
2012 g. Vsego oprosheno 800 sotrudnikov, a takzhe 70 grazhdan,
otnosjashhihsja k razlichnym social'nym gruppam.
6 Sm.: http: //