Features of the personality of women sentenced to imprisonment and their influence on the individualization of the execution of punishment
The article considers the peculiarities of the personality of women sentenced to imprisonment, which should be taken into account when individualizing the execution of a sentence. Among the socio-demographic characteristics considerable attention is paid to age, level of education and family relations. It has been established that women of mature age mostly comply with the execution of punishment regime, do not initiate conflict situations and do not aspire to become leaders among the convicts. Frequent violations of the established order of serving the sentence should be expected from young people. Women with a high educational level are generally positively characterized. The presence of socially useful connections contributes to the law-abiding behavior and correction of the convicted woman. Considering some of the criminal law characteristics it is noted that people convicted of violent crimes can be expected to frequent violations of the established order of punishment. From mercenary criminals – more relaxed behavior, which, however, does not indicate their correction. The characteristic of women who first committed a crime and who had previously served a sentence is given. The question is raised about the resuscitation of the strict-security correctional institutions for re-convicted persons. It is concluded that the identified characteristics can predict the behavior of women in places of deprivation of liberty and should be taken into account when individualizing the execution of punishment and applying corrective measures.
Keywords: imprisonment; convicted women; individualization of the execution of punishment; differentiation of the execution of punishment; characteristics of convicts.
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