Estimate of property damage in institutions and authorities of the penal system: economic and legal aspects
The article is devoted to the analysis of some economic and legal problems that are connected with methodical support of estimating of property damage, which is caused to the state from officers of the penal system, and to finding ways to solve these problems.
Keywords: methodical approach; estimate; property damage; liability for breakage; officer of the penal system; auditing work of the Federal Penal Service of Russia; financial control.
Senior Lecturer of the Departmentr of Management of
Economic Activities in the Penal System of the Vologda Institute of Law and
Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Economics
, e-mail
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4 Sm.: Federal’nyj zakon ot 12.07.1999 g. № 161-FZ
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«O rezul’tatah kontrol’no-revizionnoj raboty i raboty vnutrennih
proverochnyh komissij v 2012 godu», ot 20.03.2014 g. № 01-
11241 «Ob osnovnyh itogah kontrol’no-revizionnoj raboty v 2013
2 Sm.: Trudovoj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii // SPS
3 Sm.: Perevozchikov A.V. Aktual’nye voprosy material’noj
otvetstvennosti sotrudnikov UIS // Vedomosti ugolovnoispolnitel’noj
sistemy. 2011. № 9. S. 31.
4 Sm.: Federal’nyj zakon ot 12.07.1999 g. № 161-FZ
«O material’noj otvetstvennosti voennosluzhashhih» // SPS
5 Sm.: Lysenko D.V. Finansovyj menedzhment: Ucheb.
posobie. M., 2012.