Psychological reasons and conditions of deviant behavior of juveniles in the temporary detention centers for minor delinquents
Tsvetkov V. L., Khrustaleva T. A. Psychological reasons and conditions of deviant behavior of juveniles in the temporary detention centers for minor delinquents. Penitenciarnaya nauka = Penitentiary Science. 2020; 14 (3):400–406. (In Russ.). DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-3-400-406.
The article analyzes the causes of deviations in the behavior of juveniles
and the conditions for their elimination, considers forms of deviant behavior, it formulates
recommendations for organizing psychological work with minors held in temporary
detention centers for minor offenders.
It was revealed that an important role play defects of legal and moral education,
neglect, lack of parental control over how the child spends free time, imperfection of
the personality formation process, the negative influence of the family and immediate
environment and their value orientations, the conflict situation in the origin of the deviant
behavior of the minor family, personal characteristics of minors, which arose to a greater
extent due to omissions in family education.
It is shown that identifying the causes and motives that caused the juvenile to commit
an offense, providing counseling to parents or legal representatives of minors to normalize
family relationships, an individual approach to organizing preventive work taking into
account the personality characteristics of juveniles, help optimize the psychological work
with minors held in the temporary detention center for minor offenders.
The authors believe that the main emphasis in the organization of psychological work
with children and juveniles hold in the temporary detention centers for minor offenders
should be made on the correction of the personal value system, since crimes are
committed by minors due to the growth of consumer orientation against the background
of the loss of moral values, as well as because of the needs of juveniles in inclusion in
isolated groups on the background of a violation of relations with the environment.
Keywords: temporary detention center; minor; juvenile; deviant behavior; psychological work with minor delinquents; prophylaxis
Head of the Department of Law Psychology of the Training and Research Complex of the Employment Activity Psychology of the Moscow University of MIA of Russia named after V.Yа. Kikot, Moscow, Russian Federation, Dsc. in Psychology, Professor.
ORCID 0000-0002-4692-8045
, e-mail
Associate Professor of the Department of SocioEconomic and Humanitarian disciplines of the Moscow University of the MIA of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot, Moscow region, Ruzsky district, Staroteryaevo village, Russian Federation, PhD. in Psychology, Associate Professor
ORCID 0000-0001-9709-2121
, e-mail
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