Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
The concept and the administrative-legal nature of public service in the prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation
For citation: Smirnov A. V. The concept and the administrative-legal nature of public service in the prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation. Penitenciarnaya nauka = Penitentiary Science. 2020; 14(3):394–399. (In Russ.). DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020- 14-3-394-399.
Based on the analysis of various scientific positions, the article reveals
the administrative-legal nature and essence of state-service relations in the prosecutor’s
office of the Russian Federation. It is noted that the uniqueness of the prosecutor’s
service is due, among other things, to the execution of various law enforcement, human
rights, control and supervisory and other functions by prosecutors, which indicates the
multifunctionality of this type of public service. Such characteristics of the service in the prosecutor’s office, in turn, lead to increased requirements for the service itself, for the
business and moral qualities of employees. On the basis of the methodology of integrative
legal thinking, the author’s concept of civil service and service in the prosecutor’s office is
given. The latter, in particular, is disclosed as a special type of professional activity carried
out on behalf of the state by its citizens holding positions of the federal public service in the
prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation, in order to fulfill in accordance with the law on
the prosecutor’s office and the rules establishing special moral and ethical requirements
for their official and off-duty behavior of the duties assigned to the prosecutor’s office,
carried out in order to ensure the supremance of law, unity and strengthening the rule
of law, protect human and civil rights and freedoms, the interests of society and the
state protected by law, as well as related to the performance of the functions of internal
management of the prosecutor’s office, organizing and service in these bodies.
Keywords: public service; administrative and legal nature; integrative approach; civil service positions; the prosecutor’s office; employees of the prosecutor’s office
Senior Assistant to the Prosecutor of the Vologda Region for interaction with legislative (representative) and executive bodies of the region, local government bodies, legal support, Vologda, Russian Federation, Counselor of Justice.
ORCID 0000-0003-0560-0841
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