Characteristics of men serving sentences in penal colonies of Russia (sociological research)
The article presents the results of the 2014 sociological study of convicted men who are serving imprisonment in penal colonies of Russia. When working with the respondents and analyse of the results were taken into consideration age characteristics, ethnicity, education level, marital status, place of residence prior to conviction, religious affiliation, work skills, the type and severity of the crime, the motive of reoffending, the terms punishment and other criteria. Based on the data the authors draw conclusions about the extent of a moral shabbiness of convicted and necessary measures of educational influence.
Keywords: convict; characterization of convicts; penal colony; imprisonment.
Head of the Department of the Research Institute of the Federal
Penal Service of Russia (Moscow)
, e-mail
Leading Researcher of the Research Institute of the Federal
Penal Service of Russia (Moscow), PhD. in Law, Associate Professor;
, e-mail
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