Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Criminal procedural delinquency counteraction: essence, concept and meaning
Krymov V. A. Criminal procedural delinquency counteraction: essence, concept and meaning. Penitenciarnaya nauka = Penitentiary Science. 2020; 14(3):368–373. (In Russ.). DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-3-368-373.
The term “delinquency counteraction” is now often found on the pages
of regulatory legal acts, scientific and educational publications, without having an
unambiguous definition. Combining the activities of identifying, preventing, suppressing
and investigating criminal acts committed in various spheres of society, minimizing harm
caused by criminal activity, as well as prosecuting persons guilty of committing crimes,
delinquency counteraction has indeed become a systemic concept in research of a
separate type of law enforcement activity.
he preliminary investigation of crimes, criminal proceedings are considered as criminal
procedural delinquency counteraction.
Based on the analysis of the legal and empirical base, the existing theoretical views,
the article substantiates the allocation of criminal procedural crime as a separate
direction, identifies problematic issues of the beginning of its implementation, and also
formulates conclusions and proposals for improving criminal procedural legislation from
the standpoint of protecting rights and legal interests of participants in criminal procedural
legal relations.
Keywords: delinquency counteraction; crimes counteraction; criminal procedural opposition; commencement of criminal proceedings; criminal procedural legal relations; protection of rights and legitimate interests
Senior Researcher of the Department for the Study of Social Processes and the Development of Complex Problems of Law Enforcement of the Research Center of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation, PhD in Law
ORCID 0000-0003-1463-6811
, e-mail
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