Ensuring the regime in the activities of correctional institutions and its importance in the investigation of penal crimes
The article considers the issues of ensuring the regime in the activities of correctional institutions and its importance in the investigation of penal crimes. The norms of the current penal legislation are analyzed and the various authors’ definitions of custodial maintenance of correctional institutions’ activity are considered. The analysis of the norms of the current penal legislation is carried out and also the points of view of individual authors are considered as applied to the definition of the essence of the regime support for the activities of correctional institutions. The investigation of crimes committed by convicts in correctional institutions has certain specific features. As a rule investigators working with this category of criminal cases face various difficulties which sometimes cannot be overcome without the help of 44 ВЕСТНИК ИНСТИТУТА administrative representatives. In such cases it is of practical importance to ensure the security of the investigation, which is a prerequisite for the full and complete disclosure of crimes committed in correctional institutions. Regime support of the process of investigating crimes allows to solve a complex of various tasks: search and seizure of instruments for the commission of a crime, objects and substances of unlawful encroachment; identification of persons subject to criminal liability; the establishment of eyewitnesses of the wrongful act and those of them who can act as witnesses in the criminal case under investigation; assisting the investigator in verifying the relevance of certain documents, objects, substances to the event under investigation, establishing their belonging to certain persons; rendering assistance or conducting investigative and other procedural actions on behalf of the investigator; conducting operational-search or security activities in order to clarify certain circumstances that are relevant to the criminal case under investigation; the implementation of operational monitoring of the suspect.
Keywords: regime; elements and means of ensuring the regime; regime measures; investigation and detection of crimes; correctional activities; criminal proceedings; preliminary investigation.
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