Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
The role of psychological work in the system of means for correcting convicts
Сherekhovich M. M. The role of psychological work in the system of means for correcting convicted. Penitenciarnaya nauka = Penitentiary Science. 2020; 14(3):337–342. (In Russ.). DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-3-337-342.
The article analyzes the place of psychological work in the system of
means of corrective work with convicts sentenced to imprisonment, the role of the penal
psychologist in the study of the criminological characteristics of the personality of the
convicted offender. Psychological work, which has its own unique toolkit for determining
the personal and social characteristics of an individual, in correctional institutions de facto
plays a leading role in reducing recurrent behavior, addictions, clarifying, by psychological
and pathopsychological methods, the true, deep, in particular unconscious, motives of a
particular crime.
However de jure by the existing legislative structure, which describes the main means
of corrective influence on convicts, psychological work is actually not taken into account
as such a means. It is also noted that giving convicts the right to refuse psychological
work negatively affects the results of psychocorrectional influence on them. Especially
undesirable are such refusals on the part of those who are negatively characterized, socially
and pedagogically neglected, that is, convicts who are most in need of psychocorrection.
The conclusion is made about the need to legislatively consolidate psychological work
as an independent means of corrective action, the obligation of individual psychological
work with convicts, psychotherapeutic work with convicts during the first year after their
Keywords: personality of the convict; correction; educational work; psychological work; motivation
Postgraduate student of the Department of Criminal Law of the Moscow State Regional University, Moscow, Russian Federation.
ORCID 0000-0003-4516-1388
, e-mail
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12. SHCHerbakov G. V., CHerekhovich M. M. Metodika anketnogo izucheniya mneniya osuzhdennyh o vospitatel’noj
rabote s nimi [Methodology of questionnaire study of the opinion of convicts about educational work with them]. CHelovek:
prestuplenie i nakazanie – Human: crime and punishment, 2019, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 543–553. doi: 10.33463/1999-
9917.2019.27(1-4).4.543-553. (In Russ.).