Correlation features of psychological defense mechanism with the intelligence level of the enforcement officers
Lapshin V. E., Vinarchik E. A. Correlation features of psychological defense mechanism with the intelligence level of the enforcement officers. Penitenciarnaya nauka = Penitentiary Science. 2020; 14(2):265–273. (In Russ.). DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-2-265-273.
The professional activity of the staff of enforcement officers in Russia is associated with working in extreme conditions, high levels of mental and physical tension, the life risk and great responsibility for other people. These employees may experience a transformation in their personal structure after interacting with long-term stressful and dangerous work, and first of all, such a component as psychological protection receives negative changes. Thus, the concept of psychological protection is central and fundamental in the modern concept of personality, but at the same time, this topic belongs to the insufficiently studied in the field of security psychology and determines the relevance of this study. The purpose of the study was to identify the features of the relationship between psychological protection mechanisms and the level of intelligence of the staff of enforcement officers. The data obtained in the study expand the understanding of the protective forms of human behavior that determine personal traits, which provides a more effective work of a psychologist and psychotherapist in law enforcement agencies. The results can be used for premature detection of unhealthy mechanisms of psychological protection, in order to avoid personality deformation and professional burnout. The results can be useful when giving lectures personality psychology and social psychology. The study can be applied by practical psychologists in different structural divisions of law enforcement agencies. In the course of the study, the following results were obtained. The types of psychological defenses of law enforcement officers are identified, among which adaptive mechanisms dominate: humor, suppression, foresight, attachment, aftereffect, and sublimation. The dominant mechanism of psychological protection is defined-rationalization, in which a person makes a logical explanation of their actions and actions. We found a low level of general tension among the staff of enforcement officers.
Keywords: protection; intelligence; tension; psychological defense mechanisms; stress
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