Activities of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture in the sphere of control criminal penalties execution in the Russian Federation
The article deals with the control of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture of the conditions of serving criminal penalties in the Russian Federation, the prerequisites of this committee in the structure of the Council of Europe and cooperation with other international bodies responsible for supervising the observance of law in places of detention, it analyzes the situation of annual reports Committee on the state of European prisons and public statements about the situation in Russia.
Keywords: international control; The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture; European Court of Human Rights; Committee against Torture of the United Nations.
Adjunct of the Department of Penitentiary Law and the
Organization of Educational Work with Convicts of the Vologda Institute of Law
and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia
, e-mail
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3 Sm.: Morjakov D. Evropejskij komitet po preduprezhdeniju
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