Analysis of the re-criminality of convicts sentenced to punishment and criminal law measures without isolation from society and measures for its prevention
The article analyzes the causes of convicts sentenced to punishment and criminal law measures without isolation from the society of return to crimes, as well as the criminogenic composition of this category of persons. In order to strengthen the interaction of the penitentiary inspections with various state bodies to timely respond to violations by convicts of the order and conditions of serving sentences, committing administrative violations and crimes, it is proposed to create an interdepartmental database, which will include information from the internal affairs bodies, units of the Federal Bailiff Service, courts and other law enforcement agencies, military commissariats in order to promptly obtain information and effective execution of sentences. The analysis of the ratio of the number of persons who committed new crimes to the number of persons who were registered by type of punishment showed that the largest share belongs to the convicted to correctional labor – 9.5 % and convicted to the punishment of deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities – 9.35 %, and the smallest share belongs to the convicts who are given a delay in serving the sentence – 0.4 %. Accordingly the representatives of the penitentiary inspections need to strengthen control over convicts to correctional labor and convicted to punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities strengthen cooperation with local authorities and internal affairs bodies to improve the efficiency of the execution of these types of punishments and reduce the relapse of crimes committed by convicts.
Keywords: relapse; repeated crime; convicted to punishments and measures of criminal-legal character without isolation from society; penitentiary inspection.
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