Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Realization of other convictions by convicted minors: organizational and legal aspects
In the article the author actualizes the problem of narrow interpretation of the
realization of the freedom of conscience and freedom of religion. The Federal Law “On
Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations”, Penal Code of the RF regulates the
implementation of exclusively religious beliefs. Other convictions (political, philosophical, ideological) are mentioned in legal acts regulating various spheres of social relations, but
without a single legal mechanism remain declarative. The author analyzes two directions
of realization of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion by convicted minors:
religious and non-religious and justifies the need to enshrine in the penal legislation an
expanded interpretation of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, the possibility of
restricting them, providing for a system of protective norms; as well as political information
and ideological education of minor convicts. As part of the study an interdisciplinary study
of the conceptual apparatus and legal thesaurus of public relations on the implementation
of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion by convicted minors serving a sentence
of imprisonment was conducted, the essence of the legal terms used was investigated,
aspects of the legislative technique, international standards for the treatment of convicts
were investigated; there are formulated proposals to improve the legal and organizational
framework for the implementation of freedom of conscience and religion of minor convicts.
Keywords: freedom of conscience; freedom of religion; other convictions; minor convicts; educational colonies; logotherapy
Researcher of the Research Laboratory of the Organizatinal
and Scientific Department of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the
Federal Penal Service of Russia
, e-mail
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