Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
The value of legal facts in the mechanism of the penal regulation
The article is devoted to the study of the role of legal facts in the mechanism of the
penal regulation.
In the process of analyzing the legal facts contained in the penal legislation the
following conclusions were formulated that deserve attention:
– the norms of the penal law being one of the main elements of the system of the
mechanism of the penal regulation are brought into the sphere of their practical application
by legal facts. The absence of a legal fact, if there are sufficient grounds for the application
of the prescription, suggests that the rule laid down in the law will be “problematic” or in
some cases “dead”;
– the mechanism of the penal regulation contains two groups of legal facts. The first
group (main) of legal facts influences the penal law relations, which the mechanism in
question directly regulates. The second group (special) of legal facts forms social
relations, which the mechanism under study does not regulate, but has a legal effect;
– the existence and liquidation of the mechanism of the penal regulation depends only
on two types of legal facts: the first determines the launch of the mechanism of the penal
regulation, giving rise to general penal relations, and the second, freeing the convict from
serving the sentence, stops the action of the system of legal means in question. All other
types of legal facts only change, transform the mechanism of the penal regulation;
– the moment of generation by a legal fact of general legal relationship does not always
coincide with the moment of launching the mechanism of the penal regulation. In other
words a penal relationship can be created, but the mechanism starts later;
– the system of legal means that form the mechanism of the penal regulation consists
of legal facts that are not fixed in the norms of the penal legislation, but are necessary
to achieve its goals. We are talking about individual acts of the participants of the penal
Keywords: mechanism of the penal regulation; legal facts; penal rule; penal law relations; convicted
Associate Professor of the Department of Penal Law and Criminology of the Kuzbass Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Law, Associate Professor.
, e-mail
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