Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Some general theoretical, technical and legal aspects of the legal culture of the penal legislation
The subject of the research in the article is the legal culture of the penal legislation as
a value socio-legal phenomenon. The author identifies the features and shortcomings of
the legal culture of the penal legislation on the basis of general theoretical and technicallegal analysis.
A general theoretical study of the legal culture of legislation makes it possible to
consider it in close connection with the system of legal values and the objectives of the
legal regulation of social relations. The concept of “legal culture of the penal legislation”
reflects the value slice of the functioning of the relevant branch of law.
Legal technology allows you to see the inner, deep essence of the legal culture of
legislation, identify existing defects and identify ways to correct them. The qualitative
state of the legal culture of the penal legislation depends on the technical and legal level
of perfection of legal norms and their ability to achieve social goals.
Technical and legal tools of the penal legislation have a set of qualities that are due to
the nature of legal technology as a technique of social and legal regulation. To increase
the technical and legal level of the legal culture it is necessary to fix a coherent system of
legal procedures for the execution of criminal sentences in the penal code; exclusion of
certain norms that do not correspond to the existing socio-economic conditions and do
not contribute to the achievement of the goal of the penal legislation.
The conclusions and generalizations formulated in the article can be used in the
process of preparing proposals aimed at improving the existing legal policy in the field of
the execution of criminal sentences.
Keywords: legal culture; legal values; legal technology; penal legislation; quality of legal norms
Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Law.
ORCID 0000-0002-5201-7395
, e-mail
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