Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
The use of compulsory medical measures against convicts: problems of differentiation and individualization
The subject of research in the article was the theoretical and applied problems of
the application of compulsory measures of a medical nature to those sentenced to
imprisonment. The author addresses the legal aspects of the phenomenon under study,
analyzes current trends in criminal policy and foreign experience. It has been established
that in most countries compulsory medical measures are considered as a type of other
criminal law measures (security measures).
The purpose of the study is to give an objective description of the relevant means of
differentiation and individualization, to identify gaps and shortcomings in the regulatory
framework and to formulate proposals for improving legislation in the designated area.
The results of the study was a scientifically based evaluation of the work of the domestic
legislator on the regulation of the use of compulsory medical measures in the Criminal
Code of the Russian Federation and the Penal Code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: convict; differentiation; individualization; criminal penalty; medical coercive measures
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and
Criminology of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal
Service of Russia, PhD. in law, Associate Professor
ORCID 0000-0003-1044-1697
, e-mail
Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics the Federal Penal Service of Russia.
, e-mail
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2. Alekseeva N. Vek voli ne vidat’: vyjdut li na svobodu v 2017 godu osuzhdennye na pozhiznennyj srok? [A century of will
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4. Batanov A. N. Ugolovno-pravovye voprosy primeneniya prinuditel’nyh mer medicinskogo haraktera k licam,
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13. Semencova I. A. O neobhodimosti peresmotra konceptual’nyh osnov obrashcheniya v sfere ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti
v otnoshenii lic, imeyushchih psihicheskoe rasstrojstvo, ne isklyuchayushchee vmenyaemosti [On the need to revise the
conceptual basis of treatment in the field of criminal liability in relation to persons with a mental disorder that does not
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16. SHabanov V. B., Santashov A. L., Luk’yanovich A. L. Pravovoj status i obespechenie bezopasnosti osuzhdennyh k
lisheniyu svobody, podlezhashchih peredache dlya otbyvaniya nakazaniya v gosudarstvo grazhdanstva [Legal status and
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Vestn. Kaliningrad. fil. S.-Peterb. un-ta MVD Rossii – Bulletin of the Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of
the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2017. Iss. 1 (47). P. 40–42. (In Russ.).
17. SHabanov V. B., Santashov A. L., Luk’yanovich A. L. Faktory, obuslovlivayushchie obespechenie bezopasnosti
osuzhdennyh v mestah lisheniya svobody [Factors contributing to the safety of convicts in places of detention]. Vestn. Sib.
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