On the question of social and psychological rehabilitation of convicts to life imprisonment in preparation for release (including grant of parole)
The article analyzes the existing positive foreign and domestic experience of social and psychological rehabilitation in the penal practice. There are concerned the issues of the use of the evaluation criteria of the person sentenced to life imprisonment with the possibility of parole.
Keywords: social and psychological rehabilitation; correction; life imprisonment; grant of parole.
Lecturer at the Department of Organization of
Psychological Service in the Penal System of the Vologda Institute of Law and
Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia;
, e-mail
Associate Professor of the Department of Organization
of Psychological Service in Penal System of the Vologda Institute of Law and
Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Psychology, Associate
ORCID 0000-0002-0841-676X
, e-mail
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