Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Problems of implementation of public control over the activities of institutions and bodies executing criminal sentences
The article analyzes the current problems of monitoring the activities of institutions and
bodies that execute criminal sentences.
In accordance with the Conception of the penal system of the Russian Federation
development until 2020 one of the most important activities of the penal system is to
create the necessary conditions for monitoring the activities of institutions and bodies that
execute sentences. For this purpose it is required to ensure transparency in the activities
of the penal system on the basis of wide involvement of civil society institutions in the
process of execution of criminal sentences.
The need for public control is also indicated by international regulations on the treatment
of prisoners, primarily the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and the
European Prison Rules.
At the same time at present the problems of public control are not sufficiently
developed, in particular, the limits of the controlling influence on the penitentiary system
by the public are not defined, there is no specific list of subjects of public control in this
area, their powers are not defined.
Based on the analysis of international regulatory legal acts Russian legislation, the
activities of correctional institutions in the field of public control over the activities of
institutions and bodies that execute sentences, the authors have prepared a number of
recommendations to improve the current legislation and practice of its application.
The article focuses on the need to carry out inspections by organizations that are not
dependent on the prison system. For this purpose it is proposed to involve various public
organizations, including non-governmental, as well as ombudsmen for human rights, for
the rights of the child. It is important to expand cooperation with the media.
The results of the article can be used in the educational process in the study of legal
disciplines as well as for further researches in this area.
Keywords: social impact; social control; public council; public monitoring commission; public association; ombudsman
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Penal Law and the Organization of Educational Work with Convicts of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Law.
ORCID 0000-0001-6035-2559
, e-mail
5th Year Cadet of the Law Faculty of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia.
, e-mail
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