Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Features of the labor organization of persons sentenced to compulsory and correctional labor
The article covers controversial issues of legal regulation of labor of persons sentenced
to compulsory and corrective labor. On the basis of an analysis of the norms of national
legislation a conclusion was made on the priority of the norms of the Penal Code of the
Russian Federation over the norms of labor legislation in the regulation of labor of convicts.
Keywords: legal regulation of labor of a convicted person without isolation from society; labor rights; compulsory work; correctional labor; penal inspections
Head of the Department of Civil and Legal Disciplines
of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of
Russia, PhD. in Law, Associate Professor
, e-mail
Lecturer at the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia.
, e-mail
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8. Otnositel’no prinuditel’nogo ili obyazatel’nogo truda : konvenciya Mezhdunarodnoj organizacii truda ot 28.06.1930
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