Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
The problem of determining the weight of postal parcels and transfers for convicts
The article deals with the problems of determining the weight of postal parcels and
transfers that can be sent (transferred) to convicts serving a criminal sentence of imprisonment; questions of legislative techniques for the formulation and interpretation of
blanket norms, the specifics of their functioning in the law enforcement mechanism. The
article provides the author‘s expert opinion on the problem of determining the weight of
postal parcels and transfers for convicts serving a criminal sentence of imprisonment,
which analyzes the blanket norm of Art. 91 of the Penal Code RF on determining the weight
of parcels by postal rules and on the basis of taking into account economic, political and
social factors in general, as well as the procedure for receiving and delivering internal registered mail, the competence of determining the maximum weight of parcels and transmissions, requirements and recommendations of international standards determining the
convicts treatment in this aspect. There are proposals to change the penal legislation with
a statement of Part 1 of Art. 90 of the Penal Code RF in the new edition. The materials of
the article contain aspects of the concept of the draft law regulating the weight of postal
parcels and transfers as well as postal parcels.
Keywords: convict; imprisonment; postal parcel; transfer; penal legislation; blanket rule
Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Law Faculty of the Moscow State M.V. Lomonosov University, Dsc. in Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
ORCID 0000-0002-9554-5438
, e-mail
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