Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
The philosophy of penal law as a metafenomenal basis of the penal system
The penal system cannot be characterized as the evidence that does not require
explanations and justifications. Like any other open system it is influenced by many external
and internal factors. The degree and nature of this influence cannot always be known and
explained by means of analytics of a theoretical level. Not all problematic issues can be
presented in a practical way. A large heuristic potential lies in the methodological tools of
the philosophical level, which according to the authors of the article did not receive wide
use in understanding the essence of phenomena and processes reflecting the activities
of the penal system. The philosophy of the penitentiary law is the metaphenomenal basis
for activities in the penal sphere.
The article discusses the traditional problems of the penal system, which can be
investigated using philosophical and legal tools. Attention is drawn to the need to form
the criminal-legal outlook of the Russian Federal Penal Service staff and an integrated
legal thinking that is impossible without mastering the philosophical level of knowledge of
law. No science can do without philosophical grounds since their role consists in shaping
the interpretative schemes necessary for understanding the essence of knowable
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need to introduce into the educational
process the discipline “Philosophy of penal law” or to consider questions of the philosophy
of penal law in the framework of other disciplines traditionally included in the curricula
of higher educational institutions of the Federal Penal Service of Russia. Among the
problematic issues that accompany the activities of the penal system, which can be most
fully considered in the framework of philosophical and legal approaches, should be called
the transition from the punitive function of the penal policy to protective and humanitarian;
the necessity of moralizing penal law; dual penal legal policy; penal security; the limits of
liberalization of penal policy, etc.
Keywords: philosophy of penal law; virtue; philosophy of law; penal system; metafenomenal basis; synergistic paradigm; moralization of law
Professor of the Department of Personality Psychology and
Special Pedagogy of the Vladimir State A. G. and N. G. Stoletov University,
Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Professional
Activities of the Vladimir Institute of Law of the Federal Penal Service of Russia,
Dsc. in Pedagogics, PhD. in Law, Associate Professor
ORCID 0000-0002-6243-9532
, e-mail
Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and
History of State and Law of the Vladimir Branch of the Russian Academy of
National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian
Federation, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Law at the Faculty of
Law and Administration of the Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penal Service
of Russia, PhD. in Law
, e-mail
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