The relationship of personality competences and mental states of persons on remand
An analysis of the results of an empirical study of the relationship between mental
states and personal qualities of persons under investigation under conditions of detention
in a detention facility revealed correlations between stress tolerance and neuropsychic
stress (the higher the stress resistance, the higher the level of neuropsychic stress of the
persons under investigation), emotional lability and neuropsychological stress (the more
pronounced the instability of the emotional state of the suspect and the less developed
his ability to control himself, t m below the level of neuropsychic tension), personality type
and neuropsychic tension (the level of psychological tension in those under investigation
extraverts is higher than that of introverts), the type of personality and the dominant
state (those under investigation extraverts are not prone to manifestation of unmotivated
anxiety, and introverts are prone to the experience of unmotivated anxiety), emotional
lability and dominant state (the more pronounced the instability of the emotional state
of the suspects, the higher the level of relaxed spine), the type of interaction with people
around them and the dominant state (people under investigation with a pronounced desire
for trustingly frank interaction with people around them more clearly demonstrate the
relaxedness of behavior), masculinity-femininity and the dominant state (people under
investigation, whose mental activity proceeds mainly male-type, heavier transfer the
situation of restriction of freedom. The stronger the degree of masculinity in such persons,
the more critical their self-esteem is, the spontaneous aggression and the dominant state
(the higher the level of psychopathisation of the introspective type in suspects, the higher
the degree of satisfaction with their lives in general), depression and dominant state (in
those under investigation). dissatisfied with their lives, the severity of depressive states
is higher), reactive aggressiveness and depression (those under investigation with an
aggressive attitude towards social circling and a pronounced desire to dominate is not
prone to depressive states).
The study of the mental states of a person deprived of liberty is important for the
organization of the correction process and the development of recommendations for the
prevention of the destructive behavior of persons under investigation due to their mental
Keywords: suspects; personality competences; mental states; criminal identity
Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of the G. I. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, PhD. in Pedagogics, Associate Professor.
, e-mail
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criminal and the crime investigation]. Moscow, 1996. 172 p. (In Russ.).
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10. Mironenko L. F. Psihologicheskoe sostoyanie arestovannyh, zaklyuchennyh i ih rodstvennikov i psihologicheskoe
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14. Slavinskaya YU. V., Bovin B. G. Lichnost’ osuzhdennogo, otbyvayushchego pozhiznennoe lishenie svobody: social’nodemograficheskie i kriminologicheskie aspekty [Personality of the convict serving life imprisoment : socio-demographic
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vseros. konf. po yurid. psihologii s mezhdunar. uchastiem – Kochenov readings «Psychology and law in modern Russia»: a collection of abstracts of participants of the All-Russian conference on legal psychology with international participation.
Moscow, 2010. Pp. 188–192. (In Russ.).
15. Uzlov N. D., Sajdali Е. A. Ot podavlennoj k akkumulirovannoj agressii: kak osuzhdennye k pozhiznennomu lisheniyu
svobody ocenivayut svoyu agressivnost’ [From repressed to accumulated aggression: how people sentenced to life
imprisonment assess their aggression]. Tyumen. med. zhurn. – Tyumen Medical Journal. 2014. Vol. 16. Iss. 1. Pp. 47–49.
(In Russ.).
16. Agnew R., DeLisi M. General strain theory, the criminal justice system and beyond: Introduction to the special issue //
Journal of Criminal Justice. 2012. Vol. 40. Iss. 3. Pp. 174–175. (In Eng.).
17. Brooke D, Taylor C, Gunn J, Maden A. Point preval ence of mental disorder in unconvicted male prisoners in England //
BMJ. 1996. Vol. 313. Рp. 1524–1527. (In Eng.).
18. Cochran J., Mears D. Social isolation and inmate behavior: a conceptual framework for theorizing prison visitation and
guiding and assessing research // Journal of Criminal Justice. 2013. Vol. 41. Iss. 4. Pp. 252–261. (In Eng.).
19. Morris R. G., Carriaga M. L., Diamond B., Piquero N. L., Piquero A. R. Does prison strain lead to prison misbehavior? An
application of general strain theory to inmate misconduct // Journal of Criminal Justice. 2012. Vol. 40. Iss. 3. Pp. 194–201.
(In Eng.).