Psychological features of family-parental relations of women who have previously served imprisonment
The article presents the results of a study of the psychological characteristics of familyparental relations of women who had previously served a sentence of imprisonment. An
empirical study was conducted on the basis of K-2 of FPS of Russia in the Vologda region
using a questionnaire on the study of family relationships and psychodiagnostic methods
«The scale of the family environment» S. Yu. Kupriyanov and «Drawing-Family Techniques»
by W. Hulse.
Empirical research data suggest that convicted women who had previously served
imprisonment have family-parent relationships that are characterized by emotional
alienation, lack of understanding and support from family members. In this category of
convicts, humanistic attitudes towards others are deformed, a low ability to constructively
resolve conflict situations is manifested.
The results obtained can be used by penitentiary psychologists in the implementation
of psychological support for women who have previously served imprisonment.
Keywords: family-parent relationships; family distress; destructive family; dysfunctional family; physical violence; mental abuse; emotional rejection
Head of the Psychological Department of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Psychology
, e-mail
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