The study of the phenomenon of professional identity in various areas of psychological science
In the article from a historical perspective a theoretical analysis of the work of foreign
and domestic researchers aimed at studying the concept of professional identity has
been conducted. Various approaches to the study of professional identity in psychological
science are considered.
It is shown that professional identity is formed throughout a person’s life as a continuous
process and passes through certain stages in its development. Each stage has its own
characteristics and is necessary for the formation of the next.
Professional identity is closely intertwined with morality, the moral and ethical standards
of work, respectively, the study of the degree of formation of professional identity should
be carried out taking into account ethical and deontological aspects characteristic of a
particular profession.
We consider domestic and foreign methods, allowing to assess the level of development
of professional identity. There is a certain shortage of diagnostic tools, a small number
of valid and reliable methods that have been tested on a large number of subjects. In
this regard attention is focused on the need for a procedure to adapt some methods of
studying professional identity, used by foreign scientists. From a practical point of view
this will allow a more accurate assessment of the professional suitability of candidates in
various fields of work.
Keywords: professional identity; development; orientation; training; formation; professionalism
Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Educational and Scientific Complex for Researching the Issues of Personnel Work and Psychological Support in the Work of the Internal Affairs Agencies of St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Dsc. in Psychology, Associate Professor.
, e-mail
Senior Psychologist of the Department for Work with Personnel of the Leningrad Regional Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Adjunct of the Department of Legal Psychology of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia.
, e-mail
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20. Making sense of officership: Developing a professional identity for 21st century army officers / G. B. Forsythe, S. Snook,
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21. Marcia J. E. The ego identity status approach to ego identity // Ego identity : а handbook for psychosocial research / ed.
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22. Rest J. Development in Judging Moral Issues. Minneapolis, 1979. 305 p. (In Eng.).
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interpersonal collaboration // Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2016. Pp. 90–96. (In Eng.).
24. Super D. E. Vocational Development: A Framework of Research. New York, 1957. 391 p. (In Eng.).
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[Value-semantic components of the doctor’s professional identity : the diss. ... PhD. in Psychology]. Kemerovo, 2009.
175 p. (In Russ.).
2. Еvteshina N. V. Professional’naya identichnost’ psihologov : ucheb. posobie [Professional identity of psychologists :
tutorial]. Ryazan, 2012. 106 pp. (In Russ.).
3. Klimenko A. B. Stanovlenie problemy identichnosti v zapadnoj filosofii i psihologii [The becoming of the problem of
identity in Western philosophy and psychology]. Nauka. Relіgіya. Suspіl’stvo – Science. Religion. Society. 2008. Iss. 2.
Pp. 152–158. (In Russ.).
4. Klimov Е. A. Psihologiya professional’nogo samoopredeleniya [Psychology of professional self-determination]. Moscow,
2004. 304 p. (In Russ.).
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6. Kuznecova Е. V. Identichnost’ sub»ekta: tipologiya vidov [Subject Identity: Species Typology]. Omskij nauch. vestn. –
Omsk Scientific Bulletin. 2012. Iss. 4. Pp. 123–126. (In Russ.).
7. Ozerina A. A. Professional’naya identichnost’ studentov bakalavriata : dis. ... kand. psihol. nauk [Professional identity of
undergraduate students : the diss. ... PhD. in Psychology]. Volgograd, 2012. 215 p. (In Russ.).
8. Pavlova O. N. Identichnost’: istoriya formirovaniya vzglyadov i ee strukturnye osobennosti [Identity: the history of the
formation of views and its structural features]. Moscow, 2001. 124 p. (In Russ.).
9. Sedyh A. B. Vklad Dzhona L’yuisa Hollanda v psihologiyu professij i kar’ery (k 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya izvestnogo
uchenogo) [The contribution of John Lewis Holland to the psychology of professions and careers (on the 90th anniversary
of the famous scientist)]. CHelovek. Soobshchestvo. Upravlenie – Person. Community. Control. 2009. Iss. 4. Pp. 55–67.
(In Russ.).
10. Filosofskij enciklopedicheskij slovar’ / L. F. Il’ichev i dr. [Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary : L. F. Ilichev et al.].
Moscow, 1983. 840 p. (In Russ.).
11. CHechulin V. L. Logiko-semanticheskie modeli v psihologii i ih prilozhenie : monogr. [Logical-semantic models in
psychology and their application : monograph]. Permian, 2014. 142 p. (In Russ.).
12. CHudinov A. N. Slovar’ inostrannyh slov, voshedshih v sostav russkogo yazyka. 2-e izd. [Dictionary of foreign words
included in the Russian language. 2nd ed.]. St. Petersburg, 1894. 1004 p. (In Russ.).
13. SHnejder L. B. Lichnostnaya, gendernaya i professional’naya identichnost’: teoriya i metody diagnostiki [Personal,
Gender and Professional Identity: Theory and Methods of Diagnosis]. Moscow, 2007. 128 p. (In Russ.).
14. SHnejder L. B. Professional’naya identichnost’: struktura, genezis i usloviya stanovleniya : avtoref. dis. ... d-ra psihol.
nauk [Professional identity: structure, genesis and conditions of formation : the author’s abstract of the diss. ... Dsc. in
Psychology]. Moscow, 2001. 42 p. (In Russ.).
15. SHnejder L. B. Professional’naya identichnost’: teoriya, eksperiment, trening : ucheb. posobie [Professional Identity:
Theory, Experiment, Training : tutorial]. Moscow, 2004. 600 p. (In Russ.).
16. Erikson E. Identichnost’: yunost’ i krizis / obshch. red. i predisl. A. V. Tolstyh, per. s angl. [Identity: youth and crisis : ed.
by A. V. Tolstyh]. Moscow, 1996. 344 p. (In Russ.).
17. Bebeau M. J., Monson V. E. Professional identity formation and transformation across the life span // McKee A., Eraut
M. Learning trajectories, innovation and identity for professional development Springer. New York, 2011. Pp. 135–163. (In
18. Caza B. B., Creary S. J. The construction of professional identity // Perspectives on contemporary professional work:
Challenges and experiences. Cheltenham, 2016. Pp. 259–285. (In Eng.).
19. Kegan R. The Evolving Self: Problem and Process in Human Development. Cambridge, 1982. 336 p. (In Eng.).
20. Making sense of officership: Developing a professional identity for 21st century army officers / G. B. Forsythe, S. Snook,
P. Lewis, P. T. Bartone // Snider D. M., Watkins G. L. The future of the army profession. Boston, 2002. Pp. 357–378. (In Eng.).
21. Marcia J. E. The ego identity status approach to ego identity // Ego identity : а handbook for psychosocial research / ed.
by J. E. Marcia, A. S. Waterman, D. R. Matteson, S. L. Archer, J. L. Orlofsky. New York, 1993. Pp. 1–21. (In Eng.).
22. Rest J. Development in Judging Moral Issues. Minneapolis, 1979. 305 p. (In Eng.).
23. Stull C. L., Blue C. M. Examining the influence of professional identity formation on the attitudes of students towards
interpersonal collaboration // Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2016. Pp. 90–96. (In Eng.).
24. Super D. E. Vocational Development: A Framework of Research. New York, 1957. 391 p. (In Eng.).
25. Tajfel H., Turner J. The Social Identity Theory of Intergroup Behavior // Psychology of Intergroup Relations / ed. by
S. Worchel, W. G. Austin. Chicago, 1986. Pp. 7–24. (In Eng.).