Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Legal consolidation and practice of application of penalties related to the restriction of liberty, during the reign of Peter I
The article analyzes the application of penalties related to the restriction of freedom, during the reign of Peter I. It focuses on punishment in the form of a reference to the term and permanently linked to forced labor, as these types of punishment include elements of modern punishment - restrictions on liberty.
Keywords: punishment; restriction of liberty; link; hard labor; reign of Peter I.
Graduate Student of the Faculty training of scientific and
pedagogical staff of Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia
, e-mail
1 Lebedev V.I. Reformy Petra I: Sb. dokumentov. M., 1937.
S. 16, 23. 2 Ukaz Petra I ot 15.01.1723 g.
3 Sm.: Rossijskoe zakonodatel’stvo H–HH vv.: V 9 t. M., 1986.
T. 4. S. 323. 4 Sm.: Kistjakovskij A.F. Jelementarnyj uchebnik obshhego
ugolovnogo prava. Chast’ Obshhaja. Kiev, 1882. S. 743–744. 5 Ukaz Petra I ot 16.08.1720 g. № 3628.
6 Sm.: Rossijskoe zakonodatel’stvo H–HH vv. M., 1987. T. 5.
S. 499. 7 Ukaz 1722 g. № 4041.
S. 16, 23. 2 Ukaz Petra I ot 15.01.1723 g.
3 Sm.: Rossijskoe zakonodatel’stvo H–HH vv.: V 9 t. M., 1986.
T. 4. S. 323. 4 Sm.: Kistjakovskij A.F. Jelementarnyj uchebnik obshhego
ugolovnogo prava. Chast’ Obshhaja. Kiev, 1882. S. 743–744. 5 Ukaz Petra I ot 16.08.1720 g. № 3628.
6 Sm.: Rossijskoe zakonodatel’stvo H–HH vv. M., 1987. T. 5.
S. 499. 7 Ukaz 1722 g. № 4041.