Positive thinking and its relation to occupational stress level of the penal institutions officers
The article deals with the phenomenon of positive thinking in the context of its importance for the prevention of stress conditions of the staff in penal institutions and the possibility of overcoming it by thinking style, analyzes the results of an empirical study on the relationship between occupational stress level and aspects of positive thinking staff of the security department, it determines prospects for further study of the problem depending on the needs of psychological science and practice.
Keywords: positive thinking; occupational stress; burnout syndrome.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of General Psychology
of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of
Russia, PhD. in Pedagogics, Associate Professor;
, e-mail
Junior Inspector of Security of the IK-1 PKU OIC-2 of the
Russian Federal Penal Service in the Perm region
, e-mail
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