Features of emotional intelligence of men convicted for violent crimes
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the level and components of
emotional intelligence of men convicted for violent crimes. The data obtained indicate that
convicts of violent crimes are characterized by a low ability to recognize the qualitative
characteristics of emotions and inability to assess the dynamics of emotional states, which
complicates the objective perception of the surrounding reality and leads to increased
susceptibility in social contacts that they perceive as a threat. Convicts have a low level
of self-regulation and have difficulty understanding others because of the insufficient
level of development of the reflective side in communication. The results can be used for
psychological and pedagogical support of this category of convicts.
Keywords: emotions; emotional states; aggression; self-regulation; social intelligence; emotional intelligence
Head of the Psychological Department of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Psychology
, e-mail
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