Soteriological potential for the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of legal psychology and psychotherapy of convicts
The article substantiates the need to include the most important categories of
«spirit» and «spirituality» in scientific psychology. The prospects of further development
of the methodology of the legal psychology of convicts based on the analysis of the
spiritual essence of man is presented. A philosophical and anthropological analysis of a
person’s spirituality actualizes the importance of traditional conservative approaches to
considering the problem, allowing for the inclusion of theological paradigms and principles
in the form of a set of reasoning samples, exegetical examples of the Holy Scriptures
and other creations of the Church. From this perspective the soteriological perspective
of anthropology and theology is considered in the works of russian thinkers. The article
reveals the meaning of spiritual achievement in the work of saving a person and gives the
position of I. A. Ilyin that there is no life outside of God, since He is the One Existing and
this is the law of His Whole Being. Knowledge of this law has ultimate practical meaning not
only for repentance of the crime and correction of the convicted, but also for the salvation
of the soul of every person.
Keywords: methodology; legal psychology; penal psychotherapy; anthropology; theology; philosophy and anthropology; paradigms of rationality; psychology; convicted persons; spirit; soul; spirituality; being; existent; eternity; the rescue; evil; nothingness; consciousness; mind; cognition; development; immortality; eternity; human psyche; inner world; subjective reality; soteriology; convicted persons; person; personality paradigm; transcendence; post-non-classical science; liberalism; conservatism; traditional views; destructive spirituality
Deputy Head of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia for Personnel.
, e-mail
Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology and Pedagogy of the Psychological Faculty of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Dsc. in Medicine, Full Member of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety.
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Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Dsc. in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Full Member of the International
Academy of Ecology and Life Safety.
, e-mail
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