Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Administrative and legal support for the execution of criminal sentences by institutions and authorities of the penal system: problem statement
The article focuses on the insufficiency of administrative and legal support for the
execution of criminal sentences by institutions and bodies of the penal system. The
author notes that to date the domestic science of administrative law has not developed a
comprehensive view of the role and place of administrative-legal means in the legal system
of the indicated sphere.
The necessity of developing a concept of administrative and legal support for the
execution of criminal sentences by institutions and bodies of the penal system is justified,
within the framework of which the main ways and means of influencing administrative law
on relevant public relations should be clearly defined.
The circle of problems that need to be addressed when forming this concept is defined.
Their first block deals with the essence of the application of administrative law in the process
of executing criminal sentences, the second is reduced to the content of administrative
and legal support for the execution of criminal sentences, the third covers the specifics of
the subjects of application of administrative law in the field of criminal penalties, the fourth
reveals the essence of the individual administrative and legal regulation of public relations,
which consists in the development on the basis of administrative law plant installations
addressed to personally defined subjects. According to the authors opinion all this is
possible to carry out as part of a comprehensive study of administrative and legal issues in
the field of criminal penalties.
Keywords: administrative and legal support; execution of criminal sentences; concept
Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law of the Academy of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Law, Associate Professor
, e-mail
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15. CHornyj V. N. Predmet ugolovno-ispolnitel’nogo prava i ego otrazhenie v ugolovno-ispolnitel’nom zakonodatel’stve
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