Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Features of the investigative work of employees of operational units of the Federal Penal Service
The article discusses the main features of the activities of employees of operational
units of the penal system in the field of organizing the search for convicts who have escaped
as well as persons who evade serving a criminal sentence. A discussion is being held on
the semantics of the term “search”, the definitions of which in modern and retrospective
literature exist quite a lot. The search work (search) of the operational units of the Federal
Penal Service is understood the based on the criminal, criminal procedural, penal,
operative-search laws, etc., individual by-laws, local regulatory acts, an integrated system
of operational-search, criminal procedure, administrative-legal and other measures carried
out in the framework of special paperwork (operational accounting) by authorized persons
by law and aimed at establishing the whereabouts of suspects, accused, defendants and
convicts who have escaped and evade serving a sentence of imprisonment. Investigation
work is an independent activity of the operational units of the penal system. Depending
on the territorial boundaries of the implementation of operational-search measures, the
search is divided into four main types: local, federal, interstate, international. The author
names several distinctive signs of the search activities of employees of the operational
units of the Federal Penal Service, describes the regulatory framework governing the
search in the penal system, lists the entities that have the right to carry out such work. The
complex of difficulties arising in the organization of the search activities of employees of
the operational units of the Federal Penal Service is outlined. In conclusion it is noted that
only a comprehensive solution to the accumulated problems in this area and bringing the
order and conditions of serving sentences of convicted persons in accordance with the
goals and objectives of the penal legislation will reduce the number of convicted persons
who are wanted and hiding from serving sentences.
Keywords: operational-search data; convicted; correctional institution; search; escape; evasion from serving a sentence
Senior Inspector for Special Assignments of the Department of Penal Legislation, Planning and Conducting Internal Audits of the Legal Department of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Dsc. in History.
ORCID 0000-0003-1872-5280
, e-mail
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