Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
The method of committing illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in correctional facilities of the Federal Penal Service of Russia
The article discusses the peculiarities of the committing illicit traffic in narcotic drugs
and psychotropic substances in correctional institutions of the Federal Penal Service of
Russia. The author conducted a study of the materials of criminal cases on crimes of the
type in question as well as a survey of employees of the penal system, which allowed us
to establish a list of the most common ways of committing illicit traffic in narcotics and
psychotropic substances. The choice of a specific method of committing a crime is
determined by a number of factors: the features of the territory of the FSIN institutions
of Russia, the establishment of constant supervision and protection of convicts, the use
of special forces and means to detect various prohibited items, including narcotic drugs
and psychotropic substances. It should be noted that crimes of this type are most often
committed by prior conspiracy by a group of persons, which includes a convict serving
a sentence in a correctional institution and coordinating the actions of group members
by means of mobile communications. Illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic
substances occupies a leading position in the structure of penal crime and poses a huge
problem for the penitentiary system: it has a negative impact on the regime, operational
environment and can provoke the commission of other crimes, including grave and
especially grave ones such as against persons serving a sentence of imprisonment as well
as against staff of institutions. A comprehensive study of the method of committing crimes
of this type allows you to develop effective methods of counteraction and investigation.
Keywords: correctional institutions; illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; method of committing a crime; convicts serving imprisonment; penal crimes
Associate Professor of the Department of Penal Law and Organization of Educational Work with Convicts of the Law Faculty of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia.
, e-mail
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