Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Problematic issues of legal regulation of the grounds for introduction special conditions in the institutions of the penal system of Russia and ways to solve them
In practice of institutions and bodies of the penal system arise situations in which their
normal activities are temporarily interrupted and they become the so-called special order
of functioning. These are: natural disasters, riots of convicts, accidents, announcement of
the state of emergency or imposing martial law, group disobedience of convicts, capture
and release of hostages in the territory of a correctional institution, search and detention
of convicts who escaped from a correctional institution, fires. In the event of these
abnormal situations the operational environment is sharply complicated, and there are
grounds for introducing special conditions in correctional institutions as well as pre-trial
detention centers. The special conditions regime is a complex of organizational measures
introduced when a state of emergency, martial law and special situations are established
in the area of the correctional institution, as well as in the event of mass unrest or group
disobedience of convicts. The study of the problematic issues of introducing this regime
is an urgent area of research in modern penitentiary science. The article presents an
attempt to comprehensively review the practical issues of introducing special conditions
in penal institutions. The author considers it possible to supplement the list of grounds
enshrined in the law for introducing a special conditions regime with a few more and
makes suggestions for improving the current penal legislation.
Keywords: regime; emergency; correctional institution; mass riots; penal crime
Senior Researcher of the Research Department of Scientific Center of Academy of the Federal Penal
Service of Russia, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Criminology and Organization of Crime Prevention of the Institute
for Training State and Municipal Employees of the Academy
of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Law.
, e-mail
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