On the possibility of using cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy in the treatment and prevention of psychosomatic and neuropsychiatric disorders persons sentenced to deprivation of liberty
The article is devoted to analysis of possibility of application methods of cognitivebehavioral psychotherapy in the process of psychological support of the process of treatment and prevention of psychosomatic and neuropsychiatric disorders persons sentenced to deprivation of liberty. On the basis of the results of the empirical study, the severity and content of irrational settings of patients in different treatment departments are determined, there are listed tasks and some techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy recommended for working with this category of persons.
Keywords: cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy; irrational settings; psychosomatic disorders; rational-emotive-behavioral therapy.
Head of the Psychological Laboratory of Treatment and
Prophylactic Institution of the District Hospital-2 of the Federal Penal Service of
Russia in the Republic Kareliya
, e-mail
Senior Lecturer of the Department of General Psychology
of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of
Russia, PhD. in Pedagogics, Associate Professor;
, e-mail
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