Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Features of educational work with citizens of CIS countries, sentenced to imprisonment
The reform of the penal system provides for a change in the ideology of educational
work with convicts in places of deprivation of liberty by searching and using new forms
and methods of correction, introducing new individual forms of work that provide targeted
pedagogical assistance to everyone in need, supplementing the system of encouraging
convicts with other incentives for law-abiding behavior, improving the application of
disciplinary action, strengthening educational work with special emphasis on involvement
s in their career, raising the educational level. The indicated processes are relevant for all
categories of convicts, but with respect to some of them there is a certain specificity in
the implementation of educational work. One of these categories is made up of citizens of
the CIS countries who have national, religious, ideological and other characteristics that
influence the organization of educational work with them.
Convicted foreign citizens have, on the one hand, the general legal status inherent in
all convicts and on the other, a special status with special specific characteristics. Foreign
citizens serving a sentence of imprisonment are a socially vulnerable category and
experience social and psychological difficulties in adapting to the conditions of serving a
sentence in a foreign country.
Keywords: crime prevention; educational work; citizens of the CIS countries; criminological characteristics; culture of interethnic relations
Associate Professor of the Department of Penal Law and Organization of Educational Work with Convicts of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
, e-mail
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