Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Some ways to evade compulsory labor by inmates in prisons in the 30-ies years of the XX century
The article analyzes the characteristics of forced labor policy of the Soviet state in the 30-ies of XX century, evaluated is the measures system taken by the management of prisons in dealing with escapess and other protest actions of the prisoners; it examines the factors that contributed to the escapes and other forms of evasion from serving the penalty of deprivation of liberty, including the evasion of the obligation to work.
Keywords: penal system; forced labor camps; labor processes; forced labor; to prevent the escape; the prisoners protest actions.
Professor of the Department of Penal Law and Organization of
Educational Work with Convicts of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of
the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Dsc. in Law, Professor
, e-mail
Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology
of the Moscow Regional Branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Russia, PhD. in Law
, e-mail
1 Sm. podr.: Kuz’min S.I., Jakushina E.S. Analiticheskaja
spravka po istorii razvitija ispravitel’no-trudovyh uchrezhdenij
v Sovetskom gosudarstve (1917–1953 gg.): Ucheb. posobie.
Ruza, 2014. 2 Istorija stalinskogo GULAGa: V 7 t. M., 2004. T. 4. S. 139,
141.3 Sm.: GA RF. F. R-3316. Op. 64. D. 1074. L. 47–48.
4 Sm.: Tam zhe. D. 912. L. 5.
5 Sm.: Arhiv Karagandinskogo ITL. 1932. D. 1. L. 33–34.
6 Sm.: Tam zhe. L. 161.
7 Arhiv MVD Respubliki Komi. F. 6. Op. 33. D. 33. L. 64.
8 Tam zhe. L. 136–137.
9 Sm.: GA RF. F. R-9414. Op 1. D. 2741. L. 21.
10 Istorija stalinskogo GULAGa. T. 2. S. 72.
11 Sm.: GA RF. F. 9489. Op. 1. D. 89. L. 70.
12 Sm.: Tam zhe. F. R-3316. Op. 65. D. 71. L. 2–5.
13 Sm.: Tam zhe. D. 2. L. 96.
14 Sm.: Tam zhe. L. 6–12.
spravka po istorii razvitija ispravitel’no-trudovyh uchrezhdenij
v Sovetskom gosudarstve (1917–1953 gg.): Ucheb. posobie.
Ruza, 2014. 2 Istorija stalinskogo GULAGa: V 7 t. M., 2004. T. 4. S. 139,
141.3 Sm.: GA RF. F. R-3316. Op. 64. D. 1074. L. 47–48.
4 Sm.: Tam zhe. D. 912. L. 5.
5 Sm.: Arhiv Karagandinskogo ITL. 1932. D. 1. L. 33–34.
6 Sm.: Tam zhe. L. 161.
7 Arhiv MVD Respubliki Komi. F. 6. Op. 33. D. 33. L. 64.
8 Tam zhe. L. 136–137.
9 Sm.: GA RF. F. R-9414. Op 1. D. 2741. L. 21.
10 Istorija stalinskogo GULAGa. T. 2. S. 72.
11 Sm.: GA RF. F. 9489. Op. 1. D. 89. L. 70.
12 Sm.: Tam zhe. F. R-3316. Op. 65. D. 71. L. 2–5.
13 Sm.: Tam zhe. D. 2. L. 96.
14 Sm.: Tam zhe. L. 6–12.