Educational work in the correction centers: problems and prospects of the experiment
The article discusses the educational aspect of the experiment on testing the model of correction center for convicts in the correctional institution of the Federal Penal Service of Russia in the Ryazan region; it reveals positive and negative aspects of his conduct in accordance with the goals and objectives; it proposes a set of different measures aimed at practical implementation of the developed model.
Keywords: educational work; correction of convicts; experimental platform for testing center model; monitoring; moral, legal, labor, physical education
Head of the Department of shooting training of the Academy of
the Federal Penal Service of Russia
ORCID 0000-0002-2957-5962
, e-mail
Deputy Head of the Department of Management and
Organization of the Penal System of the Academy of the Federal Penal Service of
Russia, PhD. in Law, Associate Professor
, e-mail
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