Features of educational work with repeatedly convicted convicts of conflict behavior
Modern penal policy is aimed at commutation of sentence and strengthening educational measures of influence on convicts, creating a humane environment for serving sentences. For the organization of effective correctional process as well as for the prevention of offenses it is important to conduct educational work with convicts of conflict behavior. Thus it is expedient to allocate such category as repeatedly convicted convicts. The issue of recidivism of convicts is relevant in the context of measures taken by the state to ensure law and order. In addition it is noted that over the past decade in correctional institutions the number of positively characterized particularly dangerous recidivists is constantly decreasing. At the same time the number of malicious violators of the regime is increasing. In this regard it is necessary to know and take into account the specific personality traits of repeatedly convicted convicts, who differ from other categories of offenders by wariness and distrust of others, the desire to hide their true thoughts and intentions. Convicts of this category often experience a state of hostility to the outside world, can become aggressive, attributing all their failures to blame other people. As a result they may be parties to conflict situations. Conflicts appear and inevitably exist in any social structure, as they seem to be a necessary condition for the development of society. In the communities of convicts conflicts are clashes of opposing views, opinions, interests and aspirations, which are based on the aggravation of contradictions between them. Aggressive behavior in a correctional institution is for many the main means of resolving conflicts that arise among repeatedly convicted convicts. The article presents recommendations for correctional officers on educational work with repeatedly convicted convicts, prone to conflict communication in prison such as the diagnosis of convicts to identify and describe the features of strategies of behavior in a conflict situation; the use of predominantly individual forms of educational influence; educational activities for the formation of life goals and preparation of convicts for release and aimed at the development of skills of self-knowledge and change the self-concept of convicts; teaching methods of self-regulation; educational work on the resolution and prevention of conflicts among convicts; individual consultations with convicts experiencing difficulties in everyday life; organization of preventive and explanatory conversations, educational lectures, role-playing games and trainings on conflict-free communication. The meaning and content of educational work with convicts of conflict behavior should not be reduced to explaining the generally accepted norms and rules of behavior, but to a radical reassessment of life lived, breaking the existing stereotypes of behavior and changing their own inner world.
Keywords: places of imprisonment; educational work; repeatedly convicted convicts; conflict behavior; measures of educational influence on convicts of conflict behavior
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